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woman considering online abortion

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

At Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise, you’re our highest priority. We want you to have the information needed to make a pregnancy decision that prioritizes your well-being.

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and have started to research your options, you may have heard about an “online abortion” or “at-home abortion,” which occurs when you order abortion drugs online and take them at home.

This can be stressful, and you may wonder if this option is more convenient and can make life “go back to normal.” Before deciding, learn more about online abortion and how it can affect you.

Our compassionate medical staff is here for you. Schedule a free, confidential appointment today and learn how we can walk alongside you during an unplanned pregnancy.

What Should I Think About?

With a medical abortion, you take drugs that end your pregnancy. Mifepristone, the first drug, blocks progesterone, a hormone needed for the pregnancy to develop. The second drug, misoprostol, causes your uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy and related tissues from the body.

When you decide on an online abortion, you’ll order these drugs online, often after a single telehealth appointment. You’ll take mifepristone at home (instead of at a doctor’s office or clinic) and without medical oversight, followed by misoprostol.

But is an online abortion safe? Here are some things you should consider before making this decision.

1. You shouldn’t take abortion drugs later in pregnancy.

The FDA has approved mifepristone through 10 weeks gestation. It isn’t recommended to take abortion drugs after this period, as you could have a complication.

Since purchasing abortion drugs online doesn’t require an ultrasound, you won’t know how far along you are, whether your pregnancy is progressing normally, and where it is located. This is vital information you need before making a pregnancy decision.

2. You won’t know information about these drugs.

Purchasing abortion drugs online often means they come from unregulated or overseas sources. The FDA does not recommend taking these drugs as part of an abortion, as they can’t guarantee their quality, source, or effectiveness.

You won’t know whether the drugs you received in the mail are the proper dosage or even the right ones.

3. You won’t learn about the risks and side effects of this procedure.

Before making a pregnancy decision, you should receive an ultrasound and discuss your options. Speaking with a medical provider is important because you can review your health history and determine whether you’re eligible for abortion drugs.

For example, you shouldn’t have a medical abortion if you have an IUD currently in place or have certain kidney disorders.

Understanding the risks and side effects of abortion is crucial. With medical abortion, you’ll always have abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding.

Risks like infection and fever can occur with medical abortion, and if you purchase these drugs online, you won’t have medical oversight. You may be unaware if you’re experiencing a complication.

We’ll Help You Get Answers

Your health is one of the most important things in life, and we’re committed to helping you make sound decisions. Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise provides free, limited obstetrical ultrasound scans, options information, and more.

Your privacy matters. Our caring staff offers these services in a safe, confidential environment.

Schedule an appointment today. We’re here for you.

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise does not refer for or perform abortions.

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