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pregnant woman pressured to have an abortion

What Can I Do if My Parents Want Me to Get an Abortion That I Don’t Want?

Whether you’re a minor or a legal adult, no one can force you to have an abortion you don’t want. This includes your parents–they may want to influence your decision, but you alone can decide your future.

This situation can feel uncomfortable, so we’re here to help. We provide free and confidential pregnancy services and ongoing support. You don’t have to navigate this journey alone.

Schedule an appointment today to learn more.

It’s Your Pregnancy

You may seek advice from your parents and want their input. This is a normal part of the parent-child relationship, but remember that making a pregnancy decision requires careful consideration of your future.

This decision will most affect you, so it’s crucial to think about what you want. Your parents likely care about your well-being and want you to be safe, secure, and stable. But pressuring you to have an abortion is never okay.

Do You Feel Unsafe?

Abuse or coercion of any kind is never your fault, and it should never be tolerated. If your parents are threatening you or showing any other abusive behavior, support is available.

You can call 911 in an emergency or contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for 24/7 resources. You are valued and deserve to live in a healthy environment.

If this doesn’t apply to you, keep reading to learn your next steps.

You Can Decide the Next Steps

It may help to let your parents know that you’re researching your pregnancy options. Confirming key pregnancy details like how far along you are can also provide clarity–they’ll see that you are assessing your situation and have taken the next steps.

At Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise, you won’t walk alone. We know an unplanned pregnancy can feel scary, but we’re here to help settle your fears.

Our advocates can discuss your options so you can make a confident choice. Our nurses also perform limited obstetrical ultrasounds. We want you to be safe and have the information needed to feel comfortable with your decision. Our medical staff can answer any questions you have.

If you need help setting boundaries with your parents and learning to have productive discussions about your pregnancy, we’ll be a supportive resource.

We’re Here For You

Our advocates are ready to discuss your unique situation. You don’t have to face an unplanned pregnancy alone.

Contact us today to make a free and confidential appointment.

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise does not refer for or provide abortions.

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