How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?
Taking a pregnancy test can bring up a wide range of emotions—confusion, fear, or anxiety. The uncertainty of a potential pregnancy is also stressful. But understanding how pregnancy tests function can help ease some of that stress. Let’s explore how these tests work and why accurate results are so important. For free pregnancy testing, visit
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Why Talk to us About Abortion?
Women considering any serious medical procedure deserve to have all the facts beforehand. That includes abortion. Like other procedures, there are associated risk factors, complications, and information women should be aware of to help protect their safety. We should normalize talking about how abortion can impact a woman’s health because women deserve to be informed
3 Things Needed Before Abortion
An unplanned pregnancy can be a scary thing to deal with alone. Please know, you are not alone as you navigate this decision; we are here to help. Becoming educated and understanding all of the facts is important before you make your final decision. If your decision is abortion, here are three things you will
Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?
Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be a scary thing. As you consider your various options, such as abortion and adoption, discussing them with someone you trust is important. Pregnancy resource centers exist to help you in this crucial decision. Here at Care Net, we have medical staff available to answer all your questions. What’s Abortion
What are the Different Types of Abortion?
Abortion is a major decision with risks and side effects to consider. More than one abortion procedure is available, and gestational age may determine the procedure used. You are not alone in your unexpected pregnancy. We are here to educate you so you can take your next step with clarity. This blog will discuss what
What are the Risks of Abortion?
If you are exploring the possibility of an abortion, it’s important to understand the different types of risks associated with each type of procedure. We value your health and safety and want to help you make the most informed decision. Abortion comes with many well known risks. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the most common