How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing an Unplanned Pregnancy?
Knowing what to do when your friend is pregnant can seem complicated. You can’t fix this situation or make a pregnancy decision for her, but you can find healthy ways to show support.
Ultimately, your friend will likely appreciate a listening ear and calm presence. Reassuring her you’re committed to this friendship can create peace during a challenging time.
Continue reading to learn more about support methods you can try. Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise can assist you and your friend if you’d like additional advice.
1. Find a Healthy Balance
You may feel obligated to jump in and “solve” this challenge if you and your friend are close. But overcommitting is neither a healthy nor practical way to show support. And you must take care of yourself, too.
Process your friend’s pregnancy news and think about how you can be supportive. This is your friend’s pregnancy, so it’s her responsibility and right to decide. And identifying how you can help by discussing her needs is a more constructive way to approach the situation.
2. Create a Plan
When showing support amidst an unplanned pregnancy, consistency is key. Speak with your friend about how you can help.
Whether that means you run errands for her every week or attend an ultrasound appointment, knowing you’re a stable presence speaks volumes. If she doesn’t have support from her partner or loved ones, your love can make all the difference.
3. Listen to Her Concerns
Your friend doesn’t need you to choose abortion, adoption, or parenting for her pregnancy. But she likely appreciates your ability to listen to her hopes and fears.
Don’t offer advice unless she asks for it, and pressuring her to make a specific pregnancy decision, even if well-intentioned, is not appropriate.
You can assist your friend by directing her to pregnancy options information at Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise. She’ll receive unbiased, accurate information on all possibilities for this pregnancy.
Free and Confidential Medical Services
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise is a medical clinic offering free, confidential services to those facing unplanned pregnancies. We don’t profit from your friend’s pregnancy decision and exist to provide nonjudgmental information.
Contact us today to learn more. We’re here for you and your friend.
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