How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?
Telling your parents about an unplanned pregnancy can be nerve-wracking. You’ll likely be worried about their reaction and questioning whether you’ll have support.
You can take certain steps to share the news in a comfortable setting. Remember, this will likely be a shock. Give them time to process and then consider the next steps.
Setting Matters
Believe it or not, where you have this conversation is vital. You want to tell your parents this news in a setting that provides a sense of safety and security. This could be your home or a place you are most familiar with.
If your parents work or have other obligations, consider sharing your news when they can provide their undivided attention. Having a conversation in the middle of a busy work week, for example, may increase any preexisting stress.
Preparing For Your Conversation
Ultimately, this is your pregnancy and decision. Your parents may have strong opinions on abortion, adoption, or parenting, but the choice is yours to make.
Keep realistic expectations of how the conversation will go. Your parents may react with surprise, disappointment, or even anger. An unexpected pregnancy is likely not what they were expecting, and providing the space they need to sort through feelings is critical.
Researching your pregnancy options beforehand and finding resources will communicate to your parents that you are responsible enough to make a decision and have thought seriously about this situation.
Moving Forward
Depending on your parents’ wishes, you may receive no, some, or even tremendous support from them. You may require additional assistance from your partner or another loved one as you navigate your pregnancy options.
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise is a medical clinic providing vital pregnancy confirmation services. We offer the nonjudgmental, practical resources and information you need during this time.
We’re Here For You
Contact us today to make a free, confidential appointment. We’re here to help you weigh your options and receive the clarity you deserve.
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