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woman curious if abortion is her only option if she does not have money

Is Abortion My Only Option if I Don’t Have Any Money?

It’s natural to worry about finances when you have an unplanned pregnancy, and money can be a determining factor in which option you choose.

In California, abortion is legal through viability (the state recognizes this as 24 weeks gestation) but can be performed after this time if a medical provider decides it is necessary to preserve a woman’s life or health. Though Medi-Cal and most private insurance plans cover abortion, it is still a serious decision with side effects and risks.

Even if you are struggling financially, there are other options available. Parenting and adoption can be rewarding choices, and help is available.

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and would like to learn about your options, we are here for you. Schedule a free and confidential appointment today.

Parenting Can Be Possible

Parenting may initially seem impossible, especially if you have financial concerns. Raising a child can be expensive, but you don’t have to figure out your next steps alone.

Whether you seek financial assistance with rent, groceries, or household bills, Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise provides free community referrals to connect you to organizations that can help. Even if you seek medical care or housing, resources are available to help you find what you need.

Choosing to parent is often a rewarding decision, but you may feel overwhelmed at the thought of providing for a child. That’s where we come in. We provide free parenting and life skills courses to help you make this big adjustment and feel equipped to parent.

When you take these courses, you’ll earn baby items like diapers, car seats, and clothing. We’ll be with you every step of the way as you begin this journey.

Adoption May Provide Peace of Mind

You may decide not to parent and instead place your child for adoption. Know that adoption is a selfless choice that demonstrates how much you love your child and want them to have a bright future.

When you choose adoption, you can select the adoptive parents you want to raise your child. Most California adoptions are open so that you can form a relationship with the child and adoptive family. You can also choose a semi-open or closed adoption if you desire more privacy; if you select a closed adoption, you will remain anonymous.

If you are worried about the costs associated with this option, don’t be—as the birth mother, you will never pay for adoption services. Your medical and legal expenses will be covered, and you may receive additional support.

Adoption is a big decision. We can discuss this option and refer you to a reputable adoption agency that will prioritize your goals and well-being.

Free Support is Available

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise is here for you. We know that an unplanned pregnancy can introduce some fear and anxiety into your life, so we’re committed to standing alongside you and clarifying your options.

You are not alone. Schedule a free and confidential appointment to learn how we can help you move forward.

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise does not refer for or perform abortions.

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