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What’s the Difference Between a Blood and Urine Pregnancy Test?

You’ll want accurate results if you’re wondering whether you’re pregnant. If you’re taking an at-home pregnancy test, it will be urine-based. Doctor’s offices also offer urine pregnancy tests, but they’ll use blood tests to monitor hCG levels as necessary.

Both blood and urine-based pregnancy tests detect hCG, a hormone only produced during pregnancy. They’re accurate tests to indicate pregnancy, but it’s best to confirm your result with lab-quality tests at a doctor’s office or pregnancy center.

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise offers free, confidential pregnancy tests. We can confirm your pregnancy and help you determine the next steps.

What You Should Know About Pregnancy Tests

At-home pregnancy tests are accurate, but you can receive a false result if you take the test incorrectly or too early. False negatives are common if you don’t wait a few days after your missed period or several weeks after sexual intercourse. You want to give the hCG levels time to increase.

The best time to take a test is first thing in the morning when your urine is most concentrated. If you receive a positive result, you may take several more tests in the following days. Women often do this to track their results.

Blood tests are technically more sensitive, so doctor’s offices typically confirm your at-home result with this method. You will likely have to pay a fee for this service (unless it’s covered by insurance).

Free and Confidential Services

At Care Net Pregnancy Center of Paradise, our tests confirm your pregnancy and can help clarify your next steps.

If your result is positive, we provide a limited obstetric ultrasound to confirm pregnancy details like viability (whether your pregnancy is progressing normally) and how far along you are. We also offer options information and education.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We’ll answer your questions and offer the information you need.

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